Panoramadeck presentation hosted by Let’s do Goods

10 October 2021 T/M 7 November 2021

On the Panoramadeck, on the third floor of the museum, you have a beautiful view over the site, including the chimney of the former factory. Here the TextielMuseum shows presentations from partners. Previous guests included the Design Academy Eindhoven, Kunstkameraden, and many others.

Now on show: Let’s do Goods

Social start-up Let’s do Goods designs socks together with artists from the homeless community (outsider artists). The exhibition with the collection of socks by 12 outsiders artists from 12 cities in the Netherlands can now be seen in the TextielMuseum.

Socks are the least donated but are the most needed

In the Netherlands, 58.000 (!) people depend on donated clothing. This number even increased due to the current corona crisis. Socks are hardly or not at all donated in clothing containers or thrift stores because they are often worn out or people think this is unhygienic. People who depend on second hand clothing do not have access to something as obvious as a pair of socks. This concerns not only the homeless man that sleeps on a bench in the park but also an ever-growing group of families in hidden poverty.

“The socks are only the means; We want to start a conversation about inequality and give artists a stage for their story”

– Niels Hermus, initiator Let’s do Goods

Like a travelling circus, Let’s do Goods launched a new sock every month for the past year by an artist from a different city in the country. The socks are designed by outsider artists. Artists with lived experience in the field of homelessness, addiction and/or psychiatry.

Let’s do Goods wants to solve the shortage of socks with creativity and positivity and at the same time start a conversation. The socks are the means to tell this story of inequality and to give the outsider artist a stage for their story and their work. Each artist also gets the opportunity to fill a spot in the Street Art Gallery on the website where they can sell their own art.


All socks are for sale for €12,50 via the TextielShop of our museum and the Let’s do Goods website. For every pair of socks that is sold, one pair is donated to the homeless community.


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