Common threads – old and new stories in art and design

13 March 2020 T/M 12 June 2021

Stories take many forms, but a good story affects you. This exhibition centres on storytelling in a way that brings art and design together. Presenting personal and cultural perspectives, the exhibition shows that our world is made up of multiple stories.

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Foto: Jennifer Tee, wandkleed Tampan Ship of Souls, 2016

Few things are as human as telling stories. By sharing stories, we can discover what other people experience, what they consider important and what makes us the same as well as different. The exhibition ‘Common threads | Old and new stories in art and design’ explores how artists and designers shape narratives and ideas. 


Personal perspectives are the common thread that runs through this exhibition, which features works from the museum’s collection organised around themes such as religion and spirituality, gender and sexuality, and children’s stories and fantasies. Alongside contemporary pieces, the exhibition presents works covering a period of around 200 years – from myths and biblical stories to modern, personal tales.

Audio tour

A collection of personal stories is, of course, never complete. In the exhibition, you can browse through a collection of books with stories from all over the world. You can also listen to an audio tour in which textile lovers from our own museum reflect on particular works and the personal stories they evoke.

What is your story? Discover the common threads in this colourful exhibition.

With works by: Eylem Aladogan, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Christiaan Bastiaans, Walter van Beirendonck, Célio Braga, Studio Formafantasma, Jaime Hayon, Hella Jongerius, Susanne Khalil Yusef, Kustaa Saksi, Jennifer Tee, Anna Verwey-Verschuure, Roy Villevoye and others.

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Photo: Jaime Hayon, ¿Que pasa guey?, 2011

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