Our librarian is happy to show you around the online and physical library on the second floor above the Woollen Blanket Factory. The 20,000 books and numerous complete volumes of magazines encompassing themes such as the textile industry, production methods, visual art and design make our library collection unique. Besides an extensive collection of books and magazines, it also contains the archives of artists and designers, dye recipes and sample books. Just browsing the shelves can lead to surprising finds that will jump-start the creative process. The library also provides a quiet place to study and work.
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The library contains literature on every conceivable subject related to textiles. The oldest book, about dyeing textiles, dates from 1540. There are also comprehensive reference works on textile design through the ages as well as volumes of The woman and her house, a glossy magazine on housekeeping, fashion and art that first appeared in 1906, and recent publications on smart textiles, biodesign and sustainability in the textile industry. We update the collection annually with new books on topics relevant to design practice. You can search the online library yourself, but an email to the librarian often yields many more useful suggestions and results.